csapp concurrent programming

Applications that use application-level concurrency are known as concurrent programs. Modern operating systems provide three basic approaches for building concurrent programs: Processes. With this approach, each logical control flow is a process that is scheduled and maintained by the kernel. Since processes have separate virtual address spaces, flows that want to communicate with each other must use some kind of explicit interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism. I/O multiplexing.This is a form

csapp network programming

The Client-Server Programming Model Every network application is based on the client-server model. With this model, an application consists of a server process and one or more client processes. A server manages some resource, and it provides some service for its clients by manipulating that resource. Networks Clients and servers often run on separate hosts and communicate using the hard- ware and software resources of a computer network. To a

csapp system level io

概览 是什么? Input/output (I/O) is the process of copying data between main memory and external devices such as disk drives, terminals, and networks. An input operation copies data from an I/O device to main memory, and an output operation copies data from memory to a device. 为什么? All language run-time systems provide higher-level facilities for performing I/O. For example, ANSI C provides the

csapp exceptional control flow

Chapter 8 Exceptional Control Flow 从一上电开始,CPU就在不停得执行指令,从第k个指令转到k+1个指令执行,叫做指令转移(control transfer),一堆指令

thrift source code walkthrough

准备学习一下thrift的源码,看的是Python版的,以下所有分析都是基于0.9.0版本的thrift thrift整个逻辑结构是分层的,类